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NEW Weekly Small Group!


Converge averages one event a week, sometimes one every two weeks. Yet, to make these evetns accessible to more people, we tend to rotate the dates and times so we are always welcoming new people.

Those that have participated have loved sharing the new friendships they've formed and how they wish there were more opportunities to connect more frequently.

We have decided to start a new weekly Small (Discussion & Faith Sharing Group). We simply want to enjoy each other's company and grow together into better Christians!

These weekly gatherings are pretty unstructured for now, as we want those who are interested to lead the charge in determining where this group goes!

The first meetings will begin Wednesday February 7th, at 6:30pm at St. Ambrose.

If you have any questions or would like to RSVP, please contact Luke Nolan who will be overseeing this new initiative! or 585-502-8812.

Feel free to bring a friend!

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